Archaeological Research Circle

Archeological Research Circle is a forum of the students studying Archeology in the department of History.  This forum started in 2006. Professor. S. Krishnarajah being the first chairman of the Archeological Research Circle and Professor Pushparatnam being the first Senior Treasurer and led the circle. Mr. P.Kapilan being the first president and K.Kasthoori being the first secretary operated the circle. 

One of the prime objectives of the circle was to bring about the educational activities and the talents of the students studying the Archeology. This circle was engaged in promoting the skills of the students by publishing the Magazine “Thedal” The Search in 2006 and in 2018. This magazine contained the articles of students and lecturers. This circle successfully held the life exhibition in Jaffna in 2011 and International symposium with the sponsorship of News Express Private Limited ( Weerakesari Newspaper)

The circle has been giving training to students offering Archeology by taking them to historically important sites and archeological sites in various parts of Sri Lanka